6 Types of RAG: In-Depth Analysis with Python Examples

vandriichuk 6 Types of RAG In Depth Analysis with Python Exam de792c57 6ac1 4d4c 8efa fdc806de13d2 1 6 Types of RAG: In-Depth Analysis with Python Examples

Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) is a powerful approach in natural language processing that combines the benefits of information retrieval and text generation. In this article, we will explore six different types of RAG, each offering unique capabilities to improve the quality and accuracy of generated content.

Standard RAG

Standard RAG is the basic implementation of the Retrieval-Augmented Generation approach. It consists of two main components: an information retrieval system and a language model.

How it works:

  1. A user query is input into the system.
  2. The retrieval system finds relevant documents or snippets from the knowledge base.
  3. The retrieved information is added to the query.
  4. The language model generates a response based on the enriched query.

Example in Python:

from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModel
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
import faiss
import numpy as np

# Initializing components
retriever = SentenceTransformer('distilbert-base-nli-mean-tokens')
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("gpt2")
model = AutoModel.from_pretrained("gpt2")

# Creating a FAISS index for fast search
documents = ["Document 1", "Document 2", "Document 3"]
embeddings = retriever.encode(documents)
index = faiss.IndexFlatL2(embeddings.shape[1])

def standard_rag(query):
    # Retrieving relevant documents
    query_vector = retriever.encode([query])
    _, I = index.search(query_vector, k=1)
    retrieved_doc = documents[I[0][0]]
    # Generating response
    input_ids = tokenizer.encode(query + " " + retrieved_doc, return_tensors="pt")
    output = model.generate(input_ids, max_length=100)
    response = tokenizer.decode(output[0], skip_special_tokens=True)
    return response

# Usage
query = "How does Standard RAG work?"

Standard RAG is effective for many tasks but has limitations in complex scenarios requiring deeper analysis or multi-step reasoning.

Corrective RAG

Corrective RAG is an advanced version of Standard RAG, which includes an additional step of verification and correction of the generated response.

How it works:

  1. The system performs the standard RAG process.
  2. The generated response is checked for errors or inconsistencies.
  3. If issues are found, the system corrects the response using additional information or rules.
  4. This process can repeat iteratively until a satisfactory result is obtained.

Example in Python:

import re

def corrective_rag(query):
    # Getting initial response using Standard RAG
    initial_response = standard_rag(query)
    # Function to check the response for errors
    def check_errors(response):
        errors = []
        if len(response.split()) < 10:
            errors.append("Response is too short")
        if not re.search(r'\b(RAG|Retrieval-Augmented Generation)\b', response):
            errors.append("Response lacks key terms")
        return errors
    # Function to correct the response
    def correct_response(response, errors):
        if "Response is too short" in errors:
            response += " " + standard_rag("Expand the answer on RAG")
        if "Response lacks key terms" in errors:
            response = "RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) is " + response
        return response
    # Iterative correction process
    max_iterations = 3
    for _ in range(max_iterations):
        errors = check_errors(initial_response)
        if not errors:
        initial_response = correct_response(initial_response, errors)
    return initial_response

# Usage
query = "Explain the concept of RAG"

Corrective RAG helps produce more accurate and complete responses, especially when the initial answer may be incomplete or contain errors.

Speculative RAG

Speculative RAG is an innovative approach that generates multiple potential answers and then selects the most appropriate one based on additional information or criteria.

How it works:

  1. The system generates several possible responses to the query.
  2. Each response is evaluated based on various criteria (relevance, accuracy, completeness).
  3. The best option is selected, or elements from different options are combined.
  4. The final response is generated based on this analysis.

Example in Python:

import random

def speculative_rag(query):
    # Generating multiple response variants
    variants = [standard_rag(query) for _ in range(3)]
    # Function to evaluate variants
    def evaluate_variant(variant):
        score = 0
        if len(variant.split()) > 20:
            score += 1
        if "RAG" in variant:
            score += 2
        if "retrieval" in variant.lower() and "generation" in variant.lower():
            score += 3
        return score
    # Evaluating and choosing the best variant
    scores = [evaluate_variant(v) for v in variants]
    best_variant = variants[scores.index(max(scores))]
    return best_variant

# Usage
query = "What is Speculative RAG?"

Speculative RAG is particularly useful in scenarios where multiple interpretations of the query exist or when different aspects of the problem need to be considered.

Fusion RAG

Fusion RAG combines information from multiple sources or models to create a more comprehensive and accurate response.

How it works:

  1. The system uses several different knowledge bases or models to generate responses.
  2. Responses from different sources are analyzed and compared.
  3. Information from various sources is fused to create a comprehensive answer.
  4. The final response is formed using all the gathered information.

Example in Python:

def fusion_rag(query):
    # Simulating responses from different sources
    source1 = standard_rag(query)
    source2 = standard_rag(query + " in detail")
    source3 = standard_rag(query + " with examples")
    # Function to extract key phrases
    def extract_key_phrases(text):
        return text.split('.')
    # Extracting key phrases from all sources
    phrases = (extract_key_phrases(source1) + 
               extract_key_phrases(source2) + 
    # Removing duplicates and combining phrases
    unique_phrases = list(set(phrases))
    fused_response = ' '.join(unique_phrases)
    return fused_response

# Usage
query = "Explain the concept of Fusion RAG"

Fusion RAG allows creating more thorough and informative answers, particularly when the information is spread across different sources or when various aspects of a problem need to be considered.

Agentic RAG

Agentic RAG is an advanced approach that employs agents to perform complex, multi-step tasks.

How it works:

  1. The system breaks down a complex task into subtasks.
  2. Each subtask activates a specialized agent.
  3. Agents interact with each other and the knowledge base to solve their subtasks.
  4. The results of the agents’ work are combined to form the final response.

Example in Python:

class Agent:
    def __init__(self, name, specialization):
        self.name = name
        self.specialization = specialization
    def process(self, task):
        return f"Agent {self.name} ({self.specialization}): {standard_rag(task)}"

def agentic_rag(query):
    # Creating agents
    agents = [
        Agent("Researcher", "information retrieval"),
        Agent("Analyst", "data analysis"),
        Agent("Writer", "text generation")
    # Breaking down the task into subtasks
    tasks = [
        "Find the key concepts of RAG",
        "Analyze the advantages of the agentic approach",
        "Write a summary on Agentic RAG"
    # Agents performing their tasks
    results = []
    for agent, task in zip(agents, tasks):
    # Combining the results
    final_response = "\n".join(results)
    return final_response

# Usage
query = "Tell me about Agentic RAG"

Agentic RAG is especially effective for solving complex tasks that require multi-step analysis and information processing.

Self RAG

Self RAG is a self-correcting approach that allows the system to evaluate and improve its own responses.

How it works:

  1. The system generates an initial response.
  2. It then analyzes this response, evaluating its quality and completeness.
  3. Based on this analysis, the system generates an improved version of the response.
  4. This process can repeat several times to achieve the optimal result.

Example in Python:

def self_rag(query):
    # Generating initial response
    initial_response = standard_rag(query)
    # Function for self-evaluation
    def self_evaluate(response):
        score = 0
        if len(response.split()) > 50:
            score += 1
        if "RAG" in response and "self-correcting" in response.lower():
            score += 2
        if "example" or "for instance" in response.lower():
            score += 1
        return score
    # Self-correction process
    max_iterations = 3
    current_response = initial_response
    for _ in range(max_iterations):
        score = self_evaluate(current_response)
        if score >= 3:
        # Generating improved response
        improvement_query = f"Improve this response about Self RAG: {current_response}"
        current_response = standard_rag(improvement_query)
    return current_response

# Usage
query = "What is Self RAG?"

Self RAG enables the system to continually improve the quality of its responses, adapting to the complexity of the query and the requirements for the response.


Each of the RAG types explored offers unique advantages and applications. The choice of approach depends on the specific task, the need for accuracy and completeness in the answers, and the available computational resources. Combining different RAG types can lead to even more powerful and flexible natural language processing systems.

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