How To Build Web UI Generator Agent: An Innovative Approach to User Interface Creation

110820242 How To Build Web UI Generator Agent: An Innovative Approach to User Interface Creation

In the ever-evolving world of web development, new tools and technologies constantly emerge to simplify and accelerate the process of creating user interfaces. One such innovative solution is the Web UI Generator Agent – an intelligent assistant that leverages the capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) to generate HTML and CSS code based on design descriptions.

Why Use an Agent?

While Language Models excel at generating HTML and CSS on their own, their potential significantly increases when integrated with additional tools and the ability to execute tasks in a loop. An Agent can:

  1. Query the web for current trends in professional web UI design.
  2. Seek tips and tricks for optimal positioning of interface elements.

The key advantage of this approach lies in the ability to include a human reviewer in the process to verify the UI and provide constructive feedback until the LLM achieves the desired result.

Design Steps

  1. HTML and Tailwind CSS Generation: The process runs in a loop until the UI meets the design team’s requirements.
  2. Human Intervention: The user is prompted to approve or reject the generated code.
  3. Approval Process:
    • If approved, the process concludes.
    • If rejected, feedback is incorporated, and a new set of code is generated.

Key Components

To implement the Web UI Generator Agent, we need to address three main tasks:

  1. Executing the process in a loop
  2. Displaying the UI for human review
  3. Enabling approval or rejection of the result with feedback

Implementing the Cyclical Process and Integrating Tavily

To execute the process in a loop, we use the create_react_agent function from the Langchain library. An important component of this process is the integration of the Tavily web search tool.

Why Tavily?

Tavily is a powerful web search tool specifically designed for integration with language models and agents. Its use in the context of the Web UI Generator Agent offers several key advantages:

  1. Information Relevance: Tavily allows the agent to obtain the most up-to-date information on web design trends, new CSS frameworks, and UI/UX best practices.
  2. Context Expansion: The tool helps the agent expand its context beyond initially trained data, which is particularly important in the rapidly changing field of web development.
  3. Specific Queries: The agent can use Tavily to search for concrete examples of implementing certain interface elements or solutions to specific design problems.
  4. Idea Validation: Before generating code, the agent can verify its ideas for compliance with modern standards and practices.
  5. Inspiration: Tavily can help the agent find inspiration in existing designs and adapt successful solutions to the current task.

Here’s an example of integrating Tavily into the agent creation process:

from langchain.agents import create_react_agent
from import TavilySearchResults
from langchain.llms import OpenAI

# Initialize the language model
llm = OpenAI(temperature=0.5)

# Create Tavily tool
search_tool = TavilySearchResults(api_key="your_tavily_api_key")

# Create agent with web search tool
agent = create_react_agent(

# Example of using the agent to generate UI considering latest trends
task = "Generate a modern UI for a landing page, considering the latest web design trends of 2024"
result =


In this example, the agent uses Tavily to search for information about the latest trends in web design before generating the UI. This allows for the creation of more relevant and attractive interfaces.

Working Process with Tavily

  1. Task Analysis: The agent analyzes the given UI creation task.
  2. Query Formulation: Based on the analysis, a search query for Tavily is formulated.
  3. Search Execution: Tavily performs a web search and returns relevant results.
  4. Results Processing: The agent processes the obtained information and integrates it into the UI generation process.
  5. Code Generation: Taking into account the obtained data, the agent generates HTML and CSS code.

The use of Tavily significantly improves the quality and relevance of generated user interfaces, allowing the agent to operate with the most current information from the world of web design.

Displaying UI for Human Review

To visualize the generated UI, we use Flask – a lightweight web framework for Python. The generated code is sent to a Flask endpoint that renders the UI.

from flask import Flask, render_template_string

app = Flask(__name__)

def preview_ui():
    return render_template_string(generated_html_css)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Obtaining User Feedback

To get feedback, we use a simple approach with user input after code generation.

def get_user_feedback():
    feedback = input("Do you approve the generated UI? (yes/no): ")
    if feedback.lower() == 'yes':
        return True
        return False

# Usage in the main loop
while True:
    generated_html_css ="Generate UI for...")
    if get_user_feedback():
        print("Please provide feedback for improvement:")
        feedback = input()
        # Use feedback for the next iteration

Using LangGraph

LangGraph provides a convenient way to organize the cyclical execution of the UI generation process. It allows interrupting the flow execution before or after a certain action, which is ideal for including human verification and approval in the process.

from langgraph.graph import Graph
from langgraph.prebuilt import ToolInvocation

# Create graph
graph = Graph()

# Define graph nodes
def generate_ui(state):
    # UI generation logic
    return state

def human_review(state):
    # Human review logic
    return state

# Connect nodes
graph.add_edge(generate_ui, human_review)
graph.add_edge(human_review, generate_ui)

# Run graph{"initial_state": "Create UI for homepage"})


The Web UI Generator Agent represents a powerful tool for automating the process of creating user interfaces. By combining the capabilities of language models, web search tools, and human expertise, it significantly accelerates and improves the UI development process. The use of technologies such as Langchain and LangGraph makes the implementation of this approach accessible and effective for developers of various skill levels.

By integrating advanced web search capabilities through Tavily, the agent ensures that generated UIs are not only functional but also aligned with the latest design trends and best practices. This synergy between AI, data retrieval, and human oversight paves the way for more efficient and innovative web development processes.

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